OpenAIRE – an open Scholarly Communication Infrastructure was launched in 2010 by the European Commission as both an online portal (infrastructure) and a network of helpdesks and experts, is in 2022 an active network in 35 countries, the National Open Access Desks, who are experts in the local scene and are eager to help you on any issues related to open science.

The EUTOPIA Open Research Portal is the result of the collaboration with OpenAIRE, the pan-European open scholarly communication infrastructure that develops and operates services for Open Science. In the current form, the portal allows searching for more than 660,000 outputs, including 435,000 Open Access publications and data sets

Additional features, provided by OpenAIRE, allow filtering outputs by Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), fields of science, language, document type, and many other dimensions.

The EUTOPIA Open Research Portal is built with the aim to facilitate collaboration and exchange across EUTOPIA researchers and beyond the alliance. The Open Research Portal highlights the broad impact and relevance of EUTOPIA research. 

IPCC Reports

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is currently in its Sixth Assessment cycle. It is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.
The AR6 Synthesis Report will be based on the three Working Group contributions to the AR6  as well as on the three Special Reports prepared in this assessment cycle:

Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis – The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report is the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations. The link to the full report on 3949 pages is available here. Technical Summary is available here. Summary for Policymakers is available here.

Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability – The Working Group II contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report assesses the impacts of climate change, looking at ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels. It also reviews vulnerabilities and the capacities and limits of the natural world and human societies to adapt to climate change. The link to the full report on 3675 pages is available here. Technical Summary is available here. Summary for Policymakers is available here.

Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change – The Working Group III report provides an updated global assessment of climate change mitigation progress and pledges, and examines the sources of global emissions. It explains developments in emission reduction and mitigation efforts, assessing the impact of national climate pledges in relation to long-term emissions goals. The link to the full report on 2913 pages is available here. Technical Summary is available here. Summary for Policymakers is available here.

Since the IPCC was created in 1988, there have been 5 Synthesis Reports:
The Overview of the First Assessment Report (1990)
– The IPCC Second Assessment Report Synthesis of Scientific-technical Information Relevant to Interpreting Article 2 of the UNFCCC (1995)
– The Synthesis Report of the Third Assessment Report (2001)
– The Synthesis Report of the Fourth Assessment Report (2007)
– The Synthesis Report of the Fifth Assessment Report (2014)

Links to Useful Literature on Flood Risk Management Practice

Green Stormwater Infrastructure – Volume 1: Primer (2017). The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Washington DC, USA. Link to the pdf.
Green Stormwater Infrastructure – Volume 2 – Guidebook (2017). The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Washington DC, USA. Link to the pdf.

Regenwasser im Siedlungsraum – Starkniederschlag und Regenwasserbewirtschaftung in der klimaangepassten Siedlungsentwicklung (2022). Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft, BAFU & ARE.


Links to Technical Literature – Standards, Regulations, Norms

Stand der Technik – Innovationen der Ingenieurpraxis (2014). Wildbach- und Lawinenverbau 78, Heft 174, 259 p.
Zustandserfassung, Instandhaltung und Sanierung von Schutzbauwerken der Wildbach- und  Lawinenverbauung (2007). Wildbach- und Lawinenverbau 71, Heft 155, 271 p.
Technische Richtlinie fuer die Gefahrenzonenplannung im Wasserbau (2022). Bundesministerium Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Regionen und Wasserwirthschaft, Wien, Austria, 67 p.
Technische Richtlinie fuer die Wildbach- und Lawinenverbauung (2015). Bundesministerium Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Regionen und Wasserwirthschaft, Wien, Austria, 46 p.
Austria – The following normative documents are to be used as a basis for the planning, dimensioning, implementation, and maintenance of structural measures for protection against torrents, avalanches, and erosion, as amended from time to time:
  • ONR 24800, Schutzbauwerke der Wildbachverbauung – Begriffe und ihre Definitionen und Klassifizierung
  • ONR 24801, Schutzbauwerke der Wildbachverbauung – Statische und dynamische Einwirkungen
  • ONR 24802, Schutzbauwerke der Wildbachverbauung – Projektierung, Bemessung und konstruktive Durchbildung
  • ONR 24803, Schutzbauwerke der Wildbachverbauung – Betrieb, Überwachung und Instandhaltung
  • ONR 24805, Permanenter technischer Lawinenschutz – Benennung und Definitionen sowie statische und dynamische Einwirkungen
  • ONR 24806, Permanenter technischer Lawinenschutz – Bemessung und konstruktive Ausgestaltung
  • ONR 24807, Permanenter technischer Lawinenschutz – Überwachung und Instandhaltung
  • ONR 24810, Technischer Steinschlagschutz

Links to Useful Literature on Sustainable, Green Buildings

Selected journals from the category Engineering: Building and Construction.
Applied Energy (IF 2021 = 11.446, CiteScore 2021 = 20.4)
Building and Environment (IF 2021 = 7.093, CiteScore 2021 = 10.7)
Building Simulation (IF 2021 = 4.008, CiteScore 2021 = 6.8)
Construction and Building Materials (IF 2021 = 7.693, CiteScore 2021 = 10.6)
Journal of Cleaner Production (IF 2021 = 11.072, CiteScore 2021 = 15.8)
Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure (CiteScore 2021 = 8.7)


Links to Useful Literature on Technology, Engineering & Sustainability

Selected journals:

Applied Energy (IF 2021 = 11.446, CiteScore 2021 = 20.4) –
Communications Earth & Environment (IF 2021 = 7.290, CiteScore = 6.0) – An open access journal from Nature Portfolio publishing high-quality research, reviews, and commentary in all areas of the Earth, environmental and planetary sciences. Its collections of articles include Natural Hazards.
Communications Engineering (by Nature) – A selective open-access journal from the Nature Portfolio, publishing high-quality research, reviews, and commentary in all areas of engineering. Research papers published by the journal represent significant advances for a specialized area of research.

Current Climate Change Reports (IF 2021 = 9.711, CiteScore = 21.6) – This journal is focused on the latest research and policy issues in the rapidly changing and expanding field of Climate Change. Coverage spans a wide range of topics, including Ecological Impacts; Advances in Modeling; Sea Level Projections; Extreme Events; Climate Feedback and Sensitivity; Hydrologic Impact; Effects on Human Health; and Economics and Policy Issues.

Energy & Environmental Science (IF 2021 = 39.714, CiteScore = 54.0) – All aspects of the chemical, physical and biotechnological sciences relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies, and environmental science.

Energy Storage Materials (IF 2021 = 20.831, CiteScore = 26.8) –  An international multidisciplinary journal for communicating scientific and technological advances in the field of materials and their devices for advanced energy storage and relevant energy conversion (such as in a metal-O2 battery). Energy Storage Materials reports significant new findings related to synthesis, fabrication, structure, properties, performance, and technological application, in addition to the strategies and policies of energy storage materials and their devices for sustainable energy and development.

Nature Climate Change (IF 2021 = 28.660, CiteScore = 32.4) –  A monthly journal dedicated to publishing the most significant and cutting-edge research on the nature, underlying causes, or impacts of global climate change and its implications for the economy, policy, and the world at large – covering diverse collections of articles, e.g., focusing on:

MIT Technology Review (by MIT) – Founded at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1899, MIT Technology Review is a world-renowned, independent media company whose insight, analysis, reviews, interviews, and live events explain the newest technologies and their commercial, social, and political impacts. MIT Technology Review derives authority from its relationship with the world’s foremost technology institution and from its editors’ deep technical knowledge, capacity to see technologies in their broadest context, and unequaled access to leading innovators and researchers. Its in-depth reporting reveals what’s going on now to prepare you for what’s coming next.

Nature Communications (IF 2021 = 17.694, CiteScore = 23.2) – An open-access, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to publishing high-quality research in all areas of the biological, health, physical, chemical, and Earth sciences. Papers published by the journal aim to represent important advances of significance to specialists within each field.

Nature Reviews Earth & Environment (IF 2021 = 37.214, CiteScore = 11.8) – An online-only journal publishing high-quality Review, Perspective, and Commentary articles across the entire spectrum of Earth and environmental sciences – topics are broadly separated into the following themes: Weather & Climate, Surface processes, and Solid Earth.

Nature Sustainability (IF 2021 = 21.157, CiteScore 2021 = 30.7) – publishes significant original research from a broad range of natural, social, and engineering fields about sustainability, its policy dimensions, and possible solutions. Understanding how to ensure the well-being of current and future generations within the limits of the natural world is the overarching goal of sustainability research.

Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF 2021 = 16.799, CiteScore = 28.5) – Its mission is to communicate the most interesting and relevant critical thinking in renewable and sustainable energy in order to bring together the research community, the private sector, and policy and decision-makers. The aim of the journal is to share problems, solutions, novel ideas, and technologies to support sustainable development, the transition to a low carbon future, and achieve our emissions targets as established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

Scientific American (CiteScore = 0.5) – covers the most important and exciting research, ideas, and knowledge in science, health, technology, the environment, and society. It is committed to sharing trustworthy knowledge, enhancing our understanding of the world, and advancing social justice.

Scientific Reports (IF 2021 = 4.996, CiteScore = 6.9) – An open-access journal publishing original research from across all areas of the natural sciences, psychology, medicine, and engineering – covering engineering disciplines:

and offering articles in Guest Edited Collections in engineering:

Sustainability and Climate Change (CiteScore 2021 = 2.3) – A peer-reviewed publication dedicated to furthering the science of sustainability, sustainable development, and climate change. The journals covers Sustainability in higher education; Climate change mitigation and adaptation; Climate science; Climate justice; Integration of environmental, social, human, and economic goals; Corporate sustainability programs; Sustainable products, food, and agriculture; Design, construction, and operation of high-performance green buildings; Development of laws and policy.

Technology in Society (IF 2021 = 6.879, CiteScore 2021 = 6.5) – An international journal devoted to the global discourse at the intersection of technological change and the social, economic, business, and philosophical transformation of the world around us. The common thread across these fields is the role of technology in society across economicpolitical, and cultural dynamics. Scholarly work in Technology in Society focuses on the social forces that shape technological decisions and the choices that are open to society with respect to technology uses. This includes scholarly and theoretical approaches (history and philosophy of science and technology, technology forecasting, economic growth, and policy, ethics), applied approaches (business innovation, technology management, legal and engineering), and approaches that are from a development perspective (technology transfer, technology assessment, and economic development).



Glossaries & Terminology

CEDC – The Central European Defence Cooperation prepared the 2nd Edition of the Glossary for cross-border regional disaster relief (2017).
IHP – The International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO published a revised International Classification for Seasonal Snow on the Ground (ICSSG) (2009), and together with the International Association of Cryospheric Sciences (IACS) prepared the Glossary of Glacier Mass Balance and Related Terms (2011).
IOM – The International Organization for Migration prepared the Migration, Environment and Climate Change: Evidence for Policy (MECLEP) Glossary (2014).
UNHCR – The UN Refugee Agency Master Glossary of Terms.
WMO – The World Meteorological Organization together with UNESCO published the 2nd Edition of the International Glossary of Hydrology (2012).


Links to International Periodical Literature on Sustainable Development

Clarivate JCR category Green & Sustainable Science & Technology 2022 – 66 journals

ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering (IF2020 = 9.198, CiteScore2020 = 12.0)
Advanced Sustainable Systems (IF2020 = 6.271, CiteScore2020 = 7.5)
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (IF2020 = 3.039, CiteScore2020 = 3.5)
Agronomy for Sustainable Development (IF2020 = 5.832, CiteScore = 9.9)
Challenges in Sustainability (JCI2020 = 0.28, CiteScore2020 = 0.2)
Chemistry for Sustanable Development (JCI2020 = 0.03)
Circular Economy and Sustainability (since 2021)
Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry (IF2020 = 6.457, CiteScore2020 = 10.2)
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability (IF2020 = 6.984)
Discover Sustainability (since 2020)
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability (IF2020 = 3.116, CiteScore2020 = 4.3)
Energy for Sustainable Development (IF2020 = 5.223, CiteScore2020 = 7.4)
Energy, Sustainability and Society (IF2020 = 2.811, CiteScore2020 = 4.2)
Environment, Development and Sustainability (IF2020 = 3.219)
Environmental Progress and Sustainable Energy (IF2020 = 2.431, CiteScore2020 = 3.7)
Environmental Sustainability (since 2018)
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues (JCI2020 = 0.87)
European Journal of Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.13, CiteScore2020 = 0.2)
European Journal of Sustainable Development Research (since 2017)
Frontiers in Sustainability (since 2020)
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (JCI2020 = 0.81, CiteScore2020 = 2.4)
Frontiers in Sustainable Cities (since 2019)
Green Energy & Environment (IF2020 = 8.207)
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy (IF2020 = 7.917, CiteScore2020 = 15.6)
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (IF2020 = 2.905)
International Journal of Built Environment and Sustainability (JCI2020 = 0.20)
International Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.11, Cite Score2020 = 1.1)
International Journal of Green Energy (IF2020 = 2.459)
International Journal of Innovation and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.15, CiteScore2020 = 1.5)
International Journal of Renewable Energy Development – IJRED (JCI2020 = 0.18)
International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (JCI2020 = 0.22)
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (IF2020 = 2.854)
International Journal of Sustainable Aviation (JCI2020 = 0.21)
International Journal of Sustainable Construction Engineering and Technology (JCI2020 = 0.18, CiteScore2020 = 0.4)
International Journal of Sustainable Development (since 1998, CiteScore2020 = 0.6)
International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning (since 2006, CiteScore2020 = 1.7)
International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology (IF2020 = 3.716)
International Journal of Sustainable Energy (JCI2020 = 0.29, CiteScore2020 = 3.5)
International Journal of Sustainable Engineering (JCI2020 = 0.30, CiteScore2020 = 3.4)
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (IF2020 = 3.929)
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development (CiteScore2020 = 2.0)
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.18, CiteScore2020 = 1.5)
Journal of Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.18, CiteScore2020 = 1.5)
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy (IF2020 = 2.219, CiteScore2020 = 3.8)
Journal of Sustainability Research (since 2019)
Journal of Sustainable Cement-Based Materials (IF2020 = 4.429, CiteScore2020 = 5.3)
Journal of Sustainable Development (since 2008)
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems – JSDEWES (JCI2020 = 0.47, CiteScore2020 = 3.7)
Journal of Sustainable Finance & Investment (CiteScore2020 = 2.4)
Journal of Sustainable Forestry (IF2020 = 1.510)
Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy (IF2020 = 2.347, CiteScore2020 = 4.4)
Journal of Sustainable Tourism (IF2020 = 7.968)
Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment (JCI2020 = 0.54, CCiteScore2020 = 3.1)
Materials for Renewable and Sustainable Energy (JCI2020 = 0.50, CiteScore202 0= 4.3)
Materials Today Sustainability (IF2020 = 4.524, CiteScore2020 = 2.9)
McGill International Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy (JCI2020 = 0.64)
MRS Energy & Sustainability (since 2014, JCI2020 = 0.15)
Nature Sustainability (IF2020 = 19.346)
Present Environment and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.11)
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers – Engineering Sustainability (IF2020 = 1.795)
Process Integration and Optimization for Sustainability (JCI2020 = 0.25)
Renewable Energy (IF2020 = 8.001)
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (IF2020 = 14.982, CiteScore2020 = 30.5)
Smart and Sustainable Buil Environment (JCI2020 = 0.35, CiteScore2020 = 2.0)
Smart and Sustainable Manufacturing Systems (JCI2020 = 0.21, CiteScore2020 = 1.4)
Sustainability (IF2020 = 3.251)
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal (IF2020 = 3.354)
Sustainability: Science, Practice and Policy (CiteScore2020 = 4.3)
Sustainability Science (IF2020 = 6.367)
Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure (CiteScore2020 = 5.3)
Sustainable Cities and Society (IF2020 = 7.587)
Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy (IF2020 = 4.508, Cite Score2020 = 4.5)
Sustainable Computing: Informatics & Systems (IF2020 = 4.028, CiteScore2020 = 5.5)
Sustainable Development (IF2020 = 6.159)
Sustainable Energy & Fuels (IF2020 = 6.367, CiteScore2020 = 7.4)
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (IF2020 = 3.899, CiteScore2020 = 5.6)
Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (IF2020 = 5.353, CiteScore2020 = 5.9)
Sustainable Environment (CiteScore2020 = 2.6)
Sustainable Environment Research (IF2020 = 4.980, CiteScore2020 = 10.0)
Sustainable Materials and Technologies (IF2020 = 7.053)
Sustainable Production and Consumption (IF2020 = 5.032)
Sustainable Water Resources Management (JCI2020 = 0.48, CiteScore2020 = 2.0)
Technology and Economica of Smart Grids and Sustainable Energy (CiteScore2020 = 3.1)
VITRUVIO – International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability (JCI2020 = 0.97)
World Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.39, CiteScore2020 = 0.5)
World Journal of Science Technology and Sustainable Development (JCI2020 = 0.25)
World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development (CiteScore2020 = 1.1)


Links to International Monograph/Book Literature

Routledge Towards Sustainable Futures Book Series – the volumes in this series critically engage with the contemporary debates and discussions around development and sustainability. The series includes interdisciplinary and topical books presenting new perspectives for a sustainable future.

Springer Nature Open Access Books: Supporting the SDGs. E.g. for SDG#6: Clean Water & Sanitation.

Springer Climate Book Series – an interdisciplinary book series dedicated to climate research. This includes climatology, climate change impacts, climate change management, climate change policy, regional climate studies, climate monitoring and modeling, palaeoclimatology etc. The series publishes high quality research for scientists, researchers, students and policy makers.

Springer Disaster Risk Reduction Book Series – The series will focus on emerging needs in the risk reduction field, starting from climate change adaptation, urban ecosystem, coastal risk reduction, education for sustainable development, community-based practices, risk communication, and human security, among other areas.  Through academic review, this series will encourage young researchers and practitioners to analyze field practices and link them to theory and policies with logic, data, and evidence.  In this way, the series will emphasize evidence-based risk reduction methods, approaches, and practices.

Springer Education for Sustainability Book Series – builds on a variety of international efforts. As part of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs 2015-2030) and as echoed by the Aichi-Nagoya Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development (2014), education must speak to climate change, biodiversity, sustainable consumption and production, and the urgency of the civilizational crisis we face. Supporting this aim, there is a call for research and coordinated actions with an emphasis on the principles of human rights, gender equality, democracy, and social and environmental justice.

Springer Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology series – an indispensable resource for scientists and engineers in developing new technologies and for applying existing technologies to sustainability, the Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology series is presented at the university and professional level needed for scientists, engineers, and their students to support real progress in sustainability science and technology.

Springer Encylopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals Book Series – there are to date no comprehensive publications addressing the SDGs in an integrated way. Therefore, the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is being published. It encompasses 17 volumes, each devoted to one of the 17 SDGs. With 17volumes and involving in excess of 1,500 authors and contributors, the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is the largest editorial project on sustainable development ever undertaken.

Springer Energy, Environment, and Sustainability Book Series – publishes cutting-edge monographs and professional books focused on all aspects of energy and environmental sustainability, especially as it relates to energy concerns. The Series is published in partnership with the International Society for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability.  The books in these series are edited or authored by top researchers and professionals across the globe.

Springer Sustainable Development Goals Book Series – is Springer Nature’s inaugural cross-imprint book series that addresses and supports the United Nations’ seventeen Sustainable Development Goals. The series fosters comprehensive research focused on these global targets and endeavors to address some of society’s greatest grand challenges. The SDGs are inherently multidisciplinary, and they bring people working across different fields together and working towards a common goal.

Springer Transactions in Civil and Environmental Engineering Book Series – publishes the latest developments in Civil and Environmental Engineering. The intent is to cover all the main branches of Civil and Environmental Engineering, both theoretical and applied (including, but not limited to: Structural Mechanics, Steel Structures, Concrete Structures, Reinforced Cement Concrete, Civil Engineering Materials, Soil Mechanics, Ground Improvement, Geotechnical Engineering, Foundation Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Structural Health and Monitoring, Water Resources Engineering, Engineering Hydrology, Solid Waste Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Wastewater Management, Transportation Engineering, Sustainable Civil Infrastructure, Fluid Mechanics, Pavement Engineering, Soil Dynamics, Rock Mechanics, Timber Engineering, Hazardous Waste Disposal Instrumentation and Monitoring, Construction Management, Civil Engineering Construction, Surveying and GIS Strength of Materials (Mechanics of Materials), Environmental Geotechnics, Concrete Engineering, Timber Structures).
Within the scopes of the series are monographs, professional books, graduate and undergraduate textbooks, edited volumes and handbooks devoted to the above subject areas.

Wiley Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences (2006) – the definitive research-level treatment of Hydrological Sciences: Pressures are increasing on the availability and exploitation of freshwater resources due to population increase, pollution and degradation of resources, and variations in distribution as a result of regional and global change in the climate. A compilation of knowledge in this area, therefore, has become a prerequisite for education and training of research, as well as practicing hydrologists.

Wiley Water Encyclopedia (2005) – because of the wide range of topics covered, the Water Encyclopedia is an excellent resource for wastewater, drinking water, and groundwater professionals, hydrologists, water chemists, oceanographers, earth scientists, geologists, chemical engineers, process engineers, and meteorologists.