KRPAN v1.0
ARRS projekt V2-1733: Razvoj enotne metode za oceno koristi gradbenih in negradbenih ukrepov za zmanjšanje poplavne ogroženosti
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Predstavitev aplikacije KRPAN in računa povprečne poplavne letne škode (2019) – ppt predstavitev.
ARRS project V2-1733: Development of a unified method for estimation of benefits of constructional and non-constructional measures for flood risk reduction
The project (2018-2019) was financed by the Slovenian Research Agency (V2-1733).
The main project results were published in a series of papers:
Sapač K, Zabret K, Vidmar A, Pergar P, Kryžanowski A (2021) Ocena pričakovane škode pri poplavah z uporabo metode KRPAN = The assessment of expected damage caused by floods – the use of the KRPAN method, UJMA, 327-333.
V prispevku je na dveh testnih primerih predstavljena uporaba dopolnitve metode za oceno koristi gradbenih in negradbenih ukrepov za zmanjšanje poplavne ogroženosti. Metoda je vključena v uporabniku prijazno računalniško aplikacijo KRPAN, razvito v okviru ciljnega raziskovalnega projekta. Uporaba aplikacije ne zahteva posebnega računalniškega znanja prostorskih analiz v okolju GIS in hkrati omogoča razmeroma hitre izračune pričakovanih letnih škod. Aplikacija pomeni pomoč tako projektantom protipoplavnih ukrepov kot tudi pripravljavcem investicijske dokumentacije. Rezultati in ekonomsko-finančne primerjave variantnih rešitev so v podporo odločevalcem glede ekonomske izvedljivosti načrtovanih ukrepov zmanjševanja poplavne ogroženosti in pri utemeljitvah projektov. Izračune pričakovane letne škode smo na testnih območjih porečij Gradaščice in Dravinje opravili za stanje pred izvedbo predlaganih protipoplavnih ukrepov ter po njej. Testni primeri so pokazali ustreznost nadgrajene metode z zahtevami naročnika. Pri tem velja poudariti dejstvo, da so osnovna kot tudi nadgrajena metoda in računalniška aplikacija razvite za uporabo v vsej Sloveniji, zato so nekateri vhodni podatki posplošeni. Izpis podrobnega rezultata po posameznih oškodovancih v preglednici omogoča preproste nadaljnje analize, na podlagi katerih je mogoče dodatno pojasniti in/ali upravičiti pomembnost ukrepa za razvoj ter varnost obravnavanega območja.
In this paper, the application of the unified method of estimation of benefits of constructional and non-constructional measures for flood risk reduction is presented in two case studies. The method is included in the KRPAN application which was developed within the scope of the project. The program is user-friendly, since it does not require any special computer knowledge, and the calculation procedure of the expected damages is relatively fast. The aims of the KRPAN application are to help designers and those preparing investment documentation, and to support decision-makers on the feasibility of planned flood risk mitigation measures in the economic and financial justification of projects. The expected annual damages were calculated for sections of the Gradaščica and Dravinja river catchments. In each case study, the calculations were made for the situation before and after the implementation of flood protection measures. The calculations confirmed that the updated method is in accordance with the requirements of the contracting authority. However, it should be emphasized that the basic and upgraded method, as well as the computer program, were developed for the whole territory of Slovenia, so some of the input data had to be generalized. Nevertheless, the output of the detailed results in a spreadsheet allows more detailed analyses, on the basis of which it is possible to further clarify and/or justify the importance of the measure for the development and flood risk reduction of the area.
Vidmar A, Zabret K, Sapač K, Pergar P, Kryžanowski A (2019) Development of an application for estimating the benefits of structural and non-structural measures for flood risk reduction, Hrvatske vode u zaštiti okoliša i prirode: zbornik radova = Croatian waters in environmental and nature protection: proceedings, 615-624.
Floods are the most frequent natural disasters and cannot be prevented. However, we can mitigate their consequences by implementing flood protection measures, which have to be economically sound. Therefore, when planning such measures, we have to know how to reduce the damage caused by floods and increase the actual benefits of the implemented measures. In the presented project, we upgraded the existing unified method for Slovenia. This method covers flood damage in different sectors (people and health, cultural heritage, natural environment, residential, agricultural and business sectors). For each of the sectors, a simple equation is used to calculate the damage cost, taking into account the strength, duration and dimension of the expected flood event with different return periods as well as exposure, vulnerability and values of the exposed elements in the targeted area. To estimate these values, both data from the census and market values were used. Using the proposed methodology, an application was developed based on the geographic information system. According to their type, the input data are based on three main forms: point, (poly)line, and (multi)polygon. Separate databases were established for each type of data. The developed application was tested in three flood areas in Slovenia. According to the results, it was adjusted for use by various groups of users.
Vidmar A, Zabret K, Pergar P, Sapač K, Klemenčič K, Kešeljević A, Spruk R, Kryžanowski A (2019) Development of unified method and application for estimation of benefits of constructional and non-constructional measures for flood risk reduction, EGU General Assembly 2019, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 21, EGU2019-8634, 2019
Floods are the most frequent natural disasters and cannot be prevented. However, we can reduce their consequences by implementing flood protection measures, which have to be economically sound. Therefore, when planning such measures, we have to know the reduction of the damage caused by floods and increase of the actual benefits of the implemented measures. In the presented project, we have upgraded the existing unified method for Slovenia, developed in 2014. It covers flood damage in different sectors (people and health, cultural heritage, natural environment, residential, agricultural, and business sectors). For each sector simple equation is used to calculate the damage cost, taking into account the intensity, duration, and dimension of the expected flood event with different return periods, and exposure, vulnerability, and values of the exposed elements in the targeted area. For the estimation of values both data from census and market values were used. Using the proposed methodology, also an application called“KRPAN” was developed based on a geographic information system. The input data are according to their type based on three main forms: point, line, and shape. For each type of data separate databases were established. The developed application was tested for three flood areas in Slovenia. According to the results, it was adjusted to be suitable for use by various groups of users.
Vidmar A, Zabret K, Sapač K, Pergar P, Kryžanowski A (2019) The two-step KRPAN application for calculating the benefits of flood protection measures, Monitoring i bezpieczeństwo budowli hydrotechicznych = [Hydraulic structures monitoring and safety], Proceedings, 277-289.
The paper present results of the research program for the development of methodology and application for assessing the benefits of constructional and non-constructional flood risk reduction measures in Slovenia. This method covers flood damage in different sectors, cultural heritage, natural environment, residential, agricultural and business sector. For each of the sectors a simple equation is used to calculate the damage cost, taking into account strength, duration and dimension of the expected flood event with different return periods as well as exposure, vulnerability and values of the exposed elements in the targeted area. To estimate these values, both data from the census and market values were used. Using the proposed methodology, an application was developed based on the GIS. According to their type, the input data are based on three main forms: point, line, and polygon. For each type of data separate databases were established. The developed application was tested for three flood areas in Slovenia. According to the results it was adjusted to be used by various groups of users. For now, this application enables calculation of annual expected damage for the territory of the Republic of Slovenia. However, with an appropriate modification and adjustments of the methodology and KRPAN (depending on the available data in other countries), both the methodology and application could be transferred to other countries.
Vidmar A, Zabret K, Sapač K, Pergar P, Kryžanowski A (2019) Aplikacija KRPAN kot podpora za ocenjevanje in primerjavo koristi načrtovanih gradbenih in negradbenih protipoplavnih ukrepov = KRPAN application as a support for assessing and comparing the benefits of planned constructional and non-constructional flood protection measures, 30. Mišičev vodarski dan, Zbornik, 22-31.
V prispevku je predstavljeno delovanje računalniške aplikacije KRPAN, ki omogoča izračun koristi gradbenih in negradbenih ukrepov za zmanjševanje poplavne ogroženosti. Izračuni lahko služijo kot podpora za ocenjevanje in primerjavo koristi predvidenih protipoplavnih ukrepov v postopkih priprave ekonomskega dela investicijske dokumentacije na področju javnih financ. Računalniška aplikacija temelji na nadgrajeni in dopolnjeni metodi za oceno koristi gradbenih in negradbenih ukrepov za zmanjšanje poplavne ogroženosti, ki je bila leta 2014 razvita na Inštitutu za vode RS. Nadgradnja metode in razvoj računalniške aplikacije sta potekala v okviru Ciljnega raziskovalnega projekta V2-1733, ki sta ga financirali Javna agencija za raziskovalno dejavnost RS in Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor.
The paper presents the operation of the application KRPAN, which enables the calculation of the benefits of constructional and non-constructional measures to reduce flood risk. The results can serve as a support for assessing and comparing the benefits of the envisaged flood protection measures in the procedures of preparing the economic part of the investment documentation in the field of public finances. The application is based on the upgraded and supplemented method for assessing the benefits of constructional and non-constructional measures to reduce flood risk, which was developed in 2014 at the Water Institute of the Republic of Slovenia. The upgrade of the method and the development of the computer application took place under the Target Research Project V2-1733, which was financed by the Public Agency for Research of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning.
Zabret K, Vidmar A, Sapač K, Pergar P, Klemen K, Ivanuša B, Kešeljević A, Spruk R, Kryžanowski A (2018) Razvoj enotne metode za oceno koristi gradbenih in negradbenih ukrepov za zmanjšanje poplavne ogroženosti = Development of a uniform method for assessing the benefits of constructional and non-constructional measures to reduce flood risk, 29. Mišičev vodarski dan, Zbornik, 272-278.
V prispevku so predstavljeni preliminarni rezultati raziskovalnega programa razvoja metodologije in aplikacije za ocenjevanje koristi gradbenih in negradbenih ukrepov zmanjševanja poplavne ogroženosti na območju Republike Slovenije za pripravo investicijske dokumentacije. Pri načrtovanju varstvenih ukrepov je osnovni cilj zmanjševanje škode, ki bi jo poplava lahko povzročila in čim večja dejanska korist realiziranih ukrepov, ki je ovrednotena kot razlika med pričakovano škodo pred izvedenim ukrepom in pričakovano škodo po izvedbi. Ukrepi so lahko fizične narave z realizacijo gradbenih objektov, lahko pa so tudi zgolj organizacijske narave z realizacijo negradbenih ukrepov. Prvi cilj projekta je nadgradnja izhodiščne metodeIzVRS (2014) za oceno koristi gradbenih in negradbenih ukrepov zmanjševanja poplavne ogroženosti. Drugi cilj projekta je izdelava aplikacije, ki temelji na geografskem informacijskem sistemu, preko katerega so v metodologiji ocene koristi ukrepa upoštevani razpoložljivi lokacijski podatki v prostoru. Metoda in aplikacija omogočata oceno koristi tako gradbenih kot negradbenih ukrepov zmanjševanja poplavne ogroženosti z upoštevanjem predmetne in nepredmetne škode za štiri skupine ogrožencev: zdravje ljudi, okolje, kulturno dediščino in gospodarske dejavnosti. Uporabnost metode in aplikacije bo v sklopu naloge testirana na treh poplavnih območjih v Sloveniji.
The paper presents the preliminary results of the research program for the development of methodology and application for assessing the benefits of constructional and non-constructional flood risk reduction measures in the Republic of Slovenia for the preparation of investment documentation. When planning protection measures, the basic goal is to reduce the damage that the flood could cause and maximize the actual benefit of the implemented measures, which is evaluated as the difference between the expected damage before the implemented measure and the expected damage after its implementation. These measures can be of a physical nature with the introduction of construction facilities, but they can also be purely organizational in nature with the introduction of non-constructional measures. The first goal of the project is to upgrade the initial method, IzVRS (2014), to assess the benefits of constructional and non-constructional measures to reduce flood risks. The second goal is to create an application based on a geographic information system, through which the available location data in space are taken into account in the methodology for assessing the benefits of the measure. The method and application make it possible to assess the benefits of both constructional and non-constructional flood risk reduction measures, taking into account material and non-material damage for four groups of endangered persons: human health, the environment, cultural heritage and economic activities. The applicability of the method and application will be tested in three floodplains in Slovenia.