ResiliEnhance Platform
UNESCO Chair on Intersectoral Safety for Disaster risk reduction and Resilience, SPRINT-Lab, University of Udine, Italy, helped by the CEI – Central European Initiative, Trieste, Italy, and the Government of the Autonomous Province of Friaul – Venezia Gulia, is working on the Resilienhance Program – Enhancing the Resilience to Disasters for Sustainable Development.
In October 2022, The RESILIENHANCE Program launched during a two-day workshop in Udine, Italy, an expert ResiliEnhance Platform. CEI published extensive news on the event on their web pages. UNESCo Chair on Water-related Disaster Risk reduction is actively involved into the development of the ResiliEnhance Platform.
In November 2023, the ResiliEnhance Platform went through a retrospective post-event analysis during a two-day ResiliEnhance Field-Trip FVG 2023. CEI published extensive news on the FVG 2023 field trip on their web pages.
Diverse International links
AGU Blogosphere, including The Landslide Blog – Dave Petley’s blog provides a commentary on landslide events occurring worldwide, including the landslides themselves, the latest research, and conferences and meetings.
The Alpine Convention, entails the guiding principles towards a sustainable life in the Alps, now and in the future. It was a forerunner in the implementation of the Agenda 2030. It is the first transnational example of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), existing since well before these were adopted by the United Nations in 2015. The Alpine Convention, its Protocols and Declarations as well as its activities, are touching upon and directly contributing to the SDGs. The full text of the Alpine Convention can be downloaded as a PDF using this link. A web page with the Alpine Convention publications and media is available here.
CEMS – Copernicus Emergency Management Service provides information for emergency response for different natural and man-made disasters and other humanitarian disasters as well as prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery activities. CEMS is composed of:
(1) an on-demand mapping component including the provision of rapid maps for emergency response and risk & recovery maps for prevention and planning and
(2) the early warning and monitoring component which includes systems for floods (European Flood Awareness System – Global Flood Awareness System), droughts (European Drought Observatory – Global Drought Observatory), and forest fires (European Forest Fire Information System – Global Wildfire Information System).
(3) the Exposure Mapping component, providing global, harmonized and up-to-date, exposure information, which are fundamental for disaster risk and crisis management.
EC DRMKC – The European Commission Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre integrates existing scientific multi-disciplinary knowledge and co-develops innovative solutions for existing needs. Activities of the EC DRMKC support the translation of complex scientific data and analyses into usable information and provides science-based advice for DRM policies.
DRMKC – The Risk Data Hub is a GIS web platform of European-wide risk data and methodologies for Disaster Risk Assessment. Analysis tools are available: Risk Analysis & Disaster Loss Data.
DRMKC – INFORM is a collaboration of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Risk, Early Warning and Preparedness and the European Commission.
INFORM is a multi-stakeholder forum for developing shared, quantitative analysis relevant to humanitarian crises and disasters. INFORM includes organisations from across the multilateral system, including the humanitarian and development sector, donors, and technical partners. The Joint Research Center of European Commission is the scientific lead for INFORM.
INFORM Risk Facts & Figures provide information on global distribution of countries by INFORM Risk classes, income groups and regions followed through the 10-year trend. The same approach is used for all three dimensions of INFORM Risk: Hazard & Exposure, Vulnerability and Lack of Coping Capacity.
INFORM Risk Map – The INFORM map tool shows all data of the available INFORM Risk models. You can select the INFORM Risk model you are interested to navigate through all the risk drivers and create nice maps and charts.
INFORM Climate Change Risk is an upgrade of the INFORM Risk as it includes climate and demographic projections. It can inform decision-making processes on disaster risk reduction and adaptation options to maintain manageable risk levels at a global and national scale.
The European Facilities for Earthquake Hazard and Risk (EFEHR) is a non-profit network of organizations and community resources aimed at advancing earthquake hazard and risk assessment in the European-Mediterranean area. You can learn more about the Earthquake Hazard across Europe, and the Earthquake Risk across Europe.
Flood Observatory (DFO) – Space-based Measurement, Mapping, and Modeling of Surface Water – For Research, Humanitarian, and Water Resources Applications.
Global Forest Watch – their webpages offer the latest data, technology and tools that empower people everywhere to better protect forests.
Global Landslide Detector – the description of this service is in the paper Pennington C et al. (2022): A Near-Real-Time Global Landslide Incident Reporting Tool Demonstrator Using Social Media and Artificial Intelligence, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 77, 103089, Link to the paper.
Global Runoff Data Centre (GRDC) – This is an international data centre operating under the auspices of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Established in 1988 to support the research on global and climate change and integrated water resources management, the GRDC has been serving for thirty years successfully as a facilitator between the producers of hydrologic data and the international research community. GRDC is a key partner in a number of data collection and data management projects on a global scale. GRDC Data Download.
The International Consortium on Landslides (ICL) is an international non-governmental and non-profit making scientific organization for global promotion of understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk. In 2002, ICL launched the International Programme on Landslides (IPL) to create a new global multidisciplinary programme on landslides. In 2006, the Global Promotion Committee of the International Programme on Landslides (GPC/IPL) was established and in 2021 expanded to the Global Promotion Committee of the IPL and KLC2020 (GPC/IPL-KLC).
INTERPRAEVENT – the International Research Society works to set up preventive protection against disasters and supports interdisciplinary research to protect our living space against flooding, debris flow, avalanches, and mass movements. There are links to their: publications, conference proceedings, and search engine.
NASA Earth Observatory, covers various topics, among others also Natural events such as Drought, Floods, Landslides. and Temperatures extremes.
MEP Water Group 2019-2024
The MEP Water Group is the focal point for the water topic in the European Parliament. It is a forum that aims to raise the profile of water as a cross-cutting topic in EU decision-making and make sure that Europe’s water resources are managed in a sustainable way to the benefit of the European economy and society as a whole, fostering the value of water and a water-smart society in Europe.
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction – UNDRR (formerly UNISDR) is the United Nations focal point for disaster risk reduction. UNDRR oversees the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030, supporting countries in its implementation, monitoring, and sharing what works in reducing existing risk and preventing the creation of new risk. important contributions to the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030 are its Voluntary Commitments. Important UNDRR tool is PreventionWeb – the global knowledge-sharing platform for disaster risk reduction and resilience. Another UNDRR tool is the initiative Making Cities Resilient 2030.
United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – adopted in 2015 introduced 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets.
World Weather Attribution – WWA. Since 2015 the World Weather Attribution (WWA) initiative has been conducting real-time attribution analysis of extreme weather events as they happen around the world. This provides the public, scientists, and decision-makers with the means to make clear connections between greenhouse gas emissions and impactful extreme weather events, such as storms, floods, heatwaves, and droughts.
Links to European Union strategies
There is a list with links to EU strategies relevant to sustainable development and disaster risk reduction:
Chemicals Strategy
Circular economy action plan
Climate Adaptation Strategy
European Green Deal
EU biodiversity strategy for 2030
Farm-to-fork strategy
Forest Strategy
Soil Strategy for 2030
Zero pollution action plan
Link to Sustainability Science Hub & SDG Resource Centre
The RELX SDG Resource Centre is a free interactive education platform with content curated from across the organization related to the UN’s 17 SDGs. Features include an interactive news tracker to see global coverage of the SDGs, published research, and events.
Sustainability Science Hub – Elsevier secures free access to analytical reports, data sets, tools, and other resources for sustainable development. Here, you can explore how data can produce critical insights into climate, sustainability science, gender, medicine, and more, find tools to help decision-makers make evidence-based interventions and to discover resources to fuel innovation that is fundamental to achieving a sustainable and equitable future.