ULTRA Pilot 4. Sustainable Environment
Več kot dvesto udeleženk in udeležencev konference Piloti pilotom
Na spletnih straneh Ministrstva za visoko šolstvo, znanost in inovacije (MVZI) je zapis o 1. konferenci Piloti Pilotom. Povezava na zapis je tukaj.
1st Conference of pilot projects within the framework of “Reforming higher education for a green and resilient transition to Society 5.0” (May 2024)
In May 2024, at Brdo pri Kranju, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (MVZI) organised a one-day conference, inviting all 4 public universities in Slovenia that are contributing to the national project “Reforming higher education for a green and resilient transition to Society 5.0”.
Pilot project 4.0 leader Professor Mikoš at the 1st Conference (Brdo pri Kranju, May 8, 2024).
Below you can take a closer look on the pilot presentation used for the conference presentation. Since it is in Slovene, you may use an electronic service to translate it into the language of your choice.
UL Pilot 4. Trajnostni prostor Brdo 8.5.2024
Below is also a video animation (MPEG-4) of the pilot presentation.
Monitoring of the project 4.0 by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (March 2024)
In March 2024, the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation (MVZI) as a part of its monitoring of pilot projects running under the Slovenian Recovery and Resilience Fund (RFF) (2022-2025) visited Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, to monitor the work done so far within the framework of the Pilot 4.0 Sustainable Environment.
Below you can take a closer look on the pilot presentation used for the monitoring excercise. Since it is in Slovene, you may use an electronic service to translate it into the language of your choice.
Monitorig MVZI Pilot 4. Trajnostni prostor 8.3.2024_web
Below is also a video animation (MPEG-4) of the pilot presentation.
Project 4.01: A Concept of the University of Ljubljana Sustainable Development
This project was accepted by the University of Ljubljana (UL) and will run from October 1, 2022, for a period of 36 months. In the project, several University of Ljubljana members (Faculties: Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, School of Business and Economics), as well as the UL Rectorate will cooperate in order to develop a concept for Sustainable Development of the University of Ljubljana as a part of the newest Strategy of the University of Ljubljana 2022-2027, and beyond.
Below you can see a video of the project presentation, given for Eutopia Week on November 24, 2022 – held at the University of Ljubljana. The PowerPoint presentation with active links is available here.
Project 4.03: Sustainable Construction of Buildings
This pilot project was accepted by the University of Ljubljana (UL) and will run from October 1, 2022, for a period of 36 months. In the project, several University of Ljubljana members (Faculty of Informatics and Computer Sciences, Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty for Health, School of Business and Economics), will cooperate in order to develop a new module on the topic of sustainable construction of building to be offered to students of Civil Engineering as a part of their professional first-cycle degree.
Parts of the module will be developed as microcredits to other students at UL and to citizens (wider community) as a contribution to the lifelong education offered at UL. Part of the pilot project will be to develop a digital twin of a few selected university buildings using Building Information Modelling (BIM) and by installing an Internet-of-Things (IoT) network and selected sensors to monitor working and study indoor conditions at these buildings, as well as energy and water consumption. The monitored data will be used to develop a web-based digital observatory to be used by students during their practicals in different courses on sustainable construction of buildings. The module on Sustainable Construction will be further based on real data from these buildings to estimate their CO2 emissions, water footprint, and Life Cycle Assessment.