UNESCO Chair on Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Unesco Floods Summer School

Ljubljana, September 2024
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Zadnje novice / Latest News

Two PhD positions at UNESCO Chair for 2024-2028 (for 4 years).

The University of Ljubljana is announcing to open a third call to tender in 2024 for PhD candidates for doctoral studies at University of Ljubljana – a 4- year PhD job position (in Slovenia called Young Researchers positions) - starting on October 1, 2024. General...

SAFETY4TMF – 1st Slovenian Stakeholder Roundtable

Slovenian partners of the SAFETY4TMF Project - Coordinated prevention and disaster management activities on Tailings Management Facilities by authorities, municipalities and other stakeholders for solutions reducing transnational risks and hazards organized 1st...

Our contributions to IAHS HELPING Decade.

The International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS) in 2023 started the 3rd Scientific Decade entitled HELPING - Science For Water Solutions Decade (2023-2032). How it came about, can also be read in an EGU blog contribution from September 6, 2023. The name...

Resilience Catalyst – Global Webinar of UNESCO Chairs focused on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience – June 19, 2024.

Under the umbrella of the Disaster Risk Reduction Unit of the Natural Sciences Sector of UNESCO, the UNESCO Chair on Intersectoral Safety for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience of the University of Udine (Italy) is convening on June 19, 2024 (11:00 - 13:00 CEST)...

INTERPRAEVENT 2024, Vienna, Austria – June 10-13, 2024.

UNESCO Chair Professor Mikoš was actively involved into the preparation of the INTERPRAEVENT2024 Congress in Vienna, Austria, held from June 10 to June  13, 2024 in the Conference Center Hofburg in Vienna Centre. The congress was organised by the International...

UNESCO Chair visit ARSO with students from University of Alabama

On Friday 7th of June UNESCO Chair on Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction visited Slovenian Environment Agency (ARSO) together with visiting students from the University of Alabama.

26th Session of the Intergovernmental Council of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme – Paris, June 3-7, 2024.

The 26th Session of the Intergovernmental Council of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IGC IHP) took place from 5 to 7 June 2024. It was preceded by: A Scientific Colloquium on 3 June - program - the tile of the Scientific colloquium was "50 years of...

Ugriznimo znanost “Slovenija – hudourniška dežela” – 6. junij ob 17:30 na TV SLO 1.

Vabljeni k ogledu oddaje z naslovom "Slovenija - hudourniška dežela", ki bo na sporedu v okviru oddaj Ugriznimo znanost ta četrtek 6. junija ob 17:30 na 1. sporedu RTV Slovenija. Povezava na program: https://www.rtvslo.si/tv/spored/tvs1/2024-06-06/13496693 in še...

Two PhD positions at UNESCO Chair for 2024-2028 (for 4 years)

The University of Ljubljana on June 4, 2024 opens a second tender in 2024 for PhD candidates for doctoral studies at University of Ljubljana, starting on October 1, 2024 – 4- year PhD positions (in Slovenia called Young Researchers positions). General information...

Dam Day – Reservoirs for Europe on May 29, 2024.

Today, on May 29th 2024, we celebrate the inaugural "Dam Day - Reservoirs for Europe" establishment. This event aims to raise public awareness about dams, highlight their values and contribution to sustainable social development and prosperity, engage local...

Submit your research results to the journal Acta hydrotechnica

Abstracted and indexed in: Scopus, COBISS, ICONDA, dLib, Google Scholar, Crossref, Ulrich’s Web, IndexCopernicus, Dimensions (Digital Science), Scilit, NAVER Academic, WorldCat, SCImago, UGC CARE

Spletna platforma pOZNavalec.si

Spletni medij pOZNavalec osvešča o trajnostnem razvoju in razvojnih tematikah doma in v tujini, bolj podrobno pa o ciljih trajnostnega razvoja, mednarodnem razvojnem sodelovanju in humanitarni pomoči. Ta kakovostni spletni medij prispeva k pluralnosti medijske krajine v Sloveniji, izdaja ga Društvo za Združene narode za Slovenijo.

Spletno platformo podpira Slovenska nacionalna komisija za UNESCO v okviru projekta UNESCO mladinska platforma.

Vabljeni k zanimivemu branju o Združenih narodih, svetu in Sloveniji ter o izzivih trajnostnega razvoja.



Poplave avgust 2023

Obsežne dele Slovenije so prizadele večdnevne močne poplave. Izražamo sočutje vsem prizadetim in globoko zahvalo vsem, ki so priskočili na pomoč v kakršni koli vlogi ali na kakršen koli način. Solidarnost je močno zakoreninjena v slovenski družbi.

Odpravljanje posledic bo dolgotrajno in boleče. Od nas bo zahtevalo veliko mero odrekanja na drugih področjih delovanja in razvoja.

Posledice žal niso le zaradi moči narave, ampak tudi našega ravnanja v preteklosti in našega odnosa do voda.

Za boljše razumevanje si lahko preberete tri prispevke:

Quo vadis slovensko vodarstvo – anketa iz leta 1995, objavljena v reviji Slovenski vodar, št. 2

Quo vadis slovensko hudourništvo? – strokovni prispevek iz leta 2016 na Mišičevem vodarskem dnevu

95 tez o vodarstvu – prispevek iz leta 2017 z 2. kongresa o vodah Slovenije

Verjamemo, da lahko v času podnebne krize ravnamo drugače in varujemo človeška življenja in premoženje v večji meri, tako da krepimo odpornost družbe in posameznika.

Agencija RS za okolje (ARSO) je že na svojih spletnih straneh objavila analizo “Nalivi in obilne padavine od 3. do 6. avgusta 2023” – MOPE, ARSO, Ljubljana, 32 str.

Hidrološke analize tega izrednega dogodka člani Unesco katedre objavljajo na Facebook spletni strani študija Vodarstvo in okoljsko inženirstvo, ki ga izvaja Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo, Univerza v Ljubljani.

Zanimivo branje o kvantitativnih metodah za ocenjevanje poplavne nevarnosti ponuja pregledni članek avtorjev Maranzoni in sod. (2023) Quantitative flood hazard assessment methods: A review, Journal of Flood Risk management, 16:e12855, https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12855, ki je na voljo v angleškem jeziku v prostem dostopu. Poplavna nevarnost se ne dotika le vprašanj o varnosti objektov in ljudi v njih, temveč tudi ljudi na prostem, tudi v prevoznih sredstvih.

Sprememba slovenske področne zakonodaje na področju varstva pred škodljivim delovanjem voda (vključuje poplave vseh vrst in vzrokov) je nujna.




IPL Project "World-wide-web-based Landslide Observatory (W3bLO)".


Erasmus+ Joint Master in Flood Risk Management

(on-going 2020-2024 & 2024-2030)

EU ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EMJM_DESIGN project Eye4Water - "Augmented Intelligence for Sustainable Water and Health"



IPL Project "World-wide-web-based Landslide Observatory (W3bLO)".


IPL Project "Deciphering the sensitivity of rock faces to climatic changes and freeze-thaw cycles in permafrost-free regions"


Erasmus+ Joint Master in Flood Risk Management

(on-going 2020-2024 & 2024-2030)

EU ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EMJM_DESIGN project Eye4Water - "Augmented Intelligence for Sustainable Water and Health"



IPL Project "World-wide-web-based Landslide Observatory (W3bLO)".


IPL Project "Deciphering the sensitivity of rock faces to climatic changes and freeze-thaw cycles in permafrost-free regions"


CELSA Collaborative Research Project "Rainfall interception experimentation and modelling for enhanced impact analysis of nature-based solutions"

(1.10.2021 – 30.9.2023)

EU ERASMUS-EDU-2023-EMJM_DESIGN project Eye4Water - "Augmented Intelligence for Sustainable Water and Health"



Research Programme "Water Science and Technology, and Geotechnics" 2022-2027

(approved for 6 years)

Basic ARRS project "Erosional processes on coastal flysch cliffs and their risk assessment"

(on-going 2020-2023)

Basic ARRS project "Deciphering the sensitivity of rock faces to climatic changes and freeze-thaw cycles in permafrost-free regions"

(on-going 10.2021 – 9.2024)

Targeted ARRS project "Methodology development for computing high-flow waves on the basis of extreme rainfall events"

(on-going 10.2021-3.2023)

Bilateral ARRS-DAAD Research Project PRE-PROMISE "Validation of Precipitation REanalysis PROducts for rainfall-runoff Modelling In SlovEnia" 2021-2022

(active action in 2022)

CELSA Collaborative Research Project "Rainfall interception experimentation and modelling for enhanced impact analysis of nature-based solutions"

(1.10.2021 – 30.9.2023)

COST Action "Minimizing naturally and technologically induced geo-hazards"

(proposed for 2022)

IPL Project "Deciphering the sensitivity of rock faces to climatic changes and freeze-thaw cycles in permafrost-free regions"


COST Action "Cascading Geohazard Models & Risk Awareness Raising in joint XR-environments"

(proposed for 2022)

COST Action "Land use/cover changes from 19th century and their impact on the environment"

(proposed for 2022)

IPL Project "World-wide-web-based Landslide Observatory (W3bLO)".



Research Programme "Water Science and Technology, and Geotechnics" 2017-2021

(active action in 2021)

CELSA Collaborative Research Project "Rainfall interception experimentation and modelling for enhanced impact analysis of nature-based solutions"

(1.10.2021 – 30.9.2023)

Bilateral ARRS-DAAD Research Project PRE-PROMISE "Validation of Precipitation REanalysis PROducts for rainfall-runoff Modelling In SlovEnia" 2021-2022

(active action in 2021)

Basic ARRS project "Erosional processes on coastal flysch cliffs and their risk assessment"

(on-going 2020-2023)

Targeted ARRS project "Methodology development for computing high-flow waves on the basis of extreme rainfall events"

(on-going 10.2021-3.2023)

DAREFFORT (DAnube River Basin Enhanced Flood FORecasting CooperaTion)

(on going 2018-2021)


Research Programme "Water Science and Technology, and Geotechnics" 2017-2021

(active action in 2020)

Bilateral ARRS-China Research Project "Evaluation of intelligent learning techniques for prediction of hydrological data: useful case"

(on-going 2018-2020)

Annual Meeting of the representatives of the National Committees of IHP from the Danube River Basin

(on-line on October 21, 2020)

Basic ARRS project "Erosional processes on coastal flysch cliffs and their risk assessment"

(on-going 2020-2023)

DAREFFORT (DAnube River Basin Enhanced Flood FORecasting CooperaTion)

(on going 2018-2021)

Workshop of the representatives of the National Committees of IHP from II. Region of UNESCO

(on-line on October 22, 2020)


World Construction Forum 2019

(April 8 – 11, 2019, Ljubljana)

Research Programme "Water Science and Technology, and Geotechnics" 2017-2021

(active action in 2019)

Bilateral ARRS-DAAD Research Project "Stochastic rainfall models for rainfall erosivity evaluation" 2018-2019

(active action in 2019)

Bilateral ARRS-China Research Project "Evaluation of intelligent learning techniques for prediction of hydrological data: useful case"

(on-going 2018-2020)

DAREFFORT (DAnube River Basin Enhanced Flood FORecasting CooperaTion)

(on going 2018-2021)


Natural Flood Retention on Private Land (CA16209)

(active action in 2019)


Research Programme "Water Science and Technology, and Geotechnics" 2017-2021

(active action in 2018)

Bilateral ARRS-DAAD Research Project "Stochastic rainfall models for rainfall erosivity evaluation" 2018-2019

(active action in 2018)

Bilateral ARRS-China Research Project "Evaluation of intelligent learning techniques for prediction of hydrological data: useful case"

(on-going 2018-2020)

DAREFFORT (DAnube River Basin Enhanced Flood FORecasting CooperaTion)

approved for 2018-2021


Natural Flood Retention on Private Land (CA16209)

(active action in 2018)


4th World Landslide Forum

(May 29 – June 2, 2017, Ljubljana)

3rd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region

Co-organised together with the Slovenian Geological Survey (11. – 13. October, 2017, Ljubljana).

Natural Disasters Summer School

(May 21 – June 10, 2017, Ljubljana)

Water Center of Excellence in Landslide Disaster Risk Reduction

(approved at WLF4 in Ljubljana for 2017-2020)

Research Programme "Water Science and Technology, and Geotechnics"

(approved for 2017-2021)

More room for water initiative


UNESCO Chair on Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction (WRDRR) was inaugurated during a ceremony on December 1, 2016.


The video address of Ms. Blanca Jiménez-Cisneros, Director of the Division of Water Sciences, and Secretary, International Hydrological Programme, Natural Sciences Sector UNESCO.

Academic Staff of the UNESCO Chair

From left: N. Bezak, S. Rusjan, M. Brilly, M. Mikoš, M. Šraj, A. Kryžanowski, A. Vidmar.

Distinguished Guests at the UNESCO Chair Inauguration Ceremony.

From left: UL Rector Prof. I. Svetlik, UNESCO Chair holder Prof. M. Mikoš, Chairman IHP Committee Prof. M., Brilly, UNESCO Chairman Prof. S. Pejovnik.

Media Interview.

UNESCO Chairholder Prof. M. Mikoš.

During the Press Conference.

The Deputy Director-General of the Administration of the Republic of Slovenia for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief Mr. B. Dervodel.

During the Press Conference.

The Chairman of the Slovenian National Commission for UNESCO Prof. S. Pejovnik.

During the Press Conference.

The Rector of the University of Ljubljana Prof. I. Svetlik.

During the Press Conference.

The Chairman of the Slovenian Committee for UNESCO IHP Prof. M. Brilly.
Damages caused by water-related disasters, such as floods or rainfall-induced landslides, continue to increase all over the world, while available water resources are becoming increasingly scarce, causing damages, such as those due to droughts. The research activities undertaken by the newly established UNESCO Chair on Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction (WRDRR) will be an intricate part of joint worldwide efforts to reduce disaster risks and to mitigate their unavoidable consequences.

The planned activities relate to risk reduction of water-related disasters due to floods and accompanying erosion phenomena. The problem has contemporary relevance in Slovenia and elsewhere in the world. Today, we mostly encounter the impacts of: climate change and anthropogenic actions as a response to hazards and the changed way of our life, subject to cultural and developmental diversity related to the society’s sensitivity, and development of new technologies and risk reduction actions.

Through an integrated approach to research and doctoral study programmes we will develop new solutions suitable for local natural and cultural conditions.