Under the umbrella of the Disaster Risk Reduction Unit of the Natural Sciences Sector of UNESCO, the UNESCO Chair on Intersectoral Safety for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience of the University of Udine (Italy) is convening on June 19, 2024 (11:00 – 13:00 CEST) the “Global Webinar of UNESCO Chairs focused on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience” under the title: “Resilience Catalysts: The Interplay of Education, Science and Culture in Transforming Governance for Building Resilience to Disasters – Insights from UNESCO Chairs.”

The Webinar objective is to begin exploring the role of UNESCO Chairs focused on disaster risk reduction and resilience, in the complex interplay between Education, Science, and Culture, to enhancing resilience and mitigating disasters. Nineteen chairs from around the World are invited to contributes, among them also UNESCO Chair WRDRR from Slovenia.

You are more than welcome to join this event should you wish to learn more about the role of UNESCO Chairs in enhancing resilience and mitigating disasters.

The webinar is hence happening on Wednesday, June 19th, 2024, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM CEST. Please, join the discussion here:  https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_NWY5ZWIzYmUtMmNlNy00NGRkLTkyZTYtYTNiOTBhYTQ5MTk1%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%226e6ade15-296c-4224-ac58-1c8ec2fd53a8%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22137f9871-fd1c-41ed-8882-edb3e9e2c7c2%22%7d

The Webinar agenda and the Concept Note is available here.

The presentations of the following UNESCO Chairs have been made:

  1. Prof. Yasuto Tachikawa – UNESCO Chair on Water, Energy and Disaster Management for Sustainable Development; Kyoto University (Japan)
  2. Prof. Junko Mukai – UNESCO Chair on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management; Ritsumeikan University (Japan)
  3. Prof. Ákos Jakobi – UNESCO Chair in Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainability; University of Pannonia; The Institute for Social and European Studies Foundation (ISES) (Hungary)
  4. Prof. Alberto Innocenti – UNESCO Chair on Urban Resilience; University of Southern Denmark (Denmark)
  5. Prof. Ronni Alexander – UNESCO Chair on Gender, Vulnerability and Well-being in Disaster Risk Reduction Support; Kobe University (Japan)
  6. Prof. Beate Ratter – UNESCO Chair in Societal Climate Change Research and Resilience; Universität Hamburg (Germany)
  7. Prof. Dina D’Ayala – UNESCO Chair on Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience Engineering; University College London (United Kingdom)
  8. Dr. Petra Malisan – UNESCO Chair on Intersectoral Safety for Disaster Risk Reduction and Resilience; University of Udine (Italy)
  9. Prof. Filippos Vallianatos – UNESCO Chair on Solid Earth Physics and Geohazards Risk Reduction; Hellenic Mediterranean University (Greece)
  10. Prof. Veronica Tofani – UNESCO Chair on the Prevention and Sustainable Management of Geo-hydrological Hazards; University of Florence (Italy)
  11. Prof. Matjaž Mikoš – UNESCO Chair on Water-related Disaster Risk Reduction; University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
  12. Prof. Qiuhua Liang – UNESCO Chair in Informatics and Multi-hazard Risk Reduction; Loughborough University (United Kingdom)
  13. Prof. Janusz Szpytko- UNESCO Chair for Science, Technology and Engineering Education; AGH University of Sciences and Technology (Poland)
  14. Prof. Kewulay H. Kamara – UNESCO Chair in Futures Studies, Story-telling and Anticipation: Living Traditions, Transitions, and Resilience; University of Makeni (Sierra Leone)

Our presentation from UNESCO Chair WRDRR @ University of Ljubljana is available here as a pdf document.