V okviru 27. mednarodne konference ICOLD, ki je potekala v Marseillu, med 27. 5. 2022 in 3. 6. 2022, se je odvijal tudi redni sestanek Foruma mladih inženirjev ICOLD (Young Professionals Forum). V okviru sestanka so potekale tudi volitve članov vodilnega odbora foruma YPF. Za mesta članov odbora se je potegovala 8 kandidatov, od tega 2 kandidatki za mesto predsednice, med njimi tudi Mateja Klun iz Univerze v Ljubljani, ki je tudi bila izvoljena. Novi člani odbora so:
Gabriella Molinder, Švedska
Amit Gautam, Indija
Wilberforce Manirakiza, Uganda
Florent Bacchus, Francija
Giulia Buffi, Italija
Tim Ivanov, Rusija
Mateja Klun, Slovenija
Mandat posameznega člana traja 3 leta, Kandidaturo za mesto v odboru lahko vložijo lahko člani držav članic ICOLD, ki pridobijo podporo nacionalnega komiteja in so v času kandidature mlajši od 40 let. Volitve pa nato potekajo v času letnega srečanja ICOLD. Naslednje volitve bodo v Göteborgu (Švedska, junij 2023), kjer bosta odprti 2 mesti.
In the scope of 27. international conference ICOLD, which was held in Marseille, from May 27, 2022 to June 3, 2022, the regular meeting of the YPF (Young Professionals Forum) took place. During the Election of the YEF board members, 8 candidates submitted their candidates, one of them was also Mateja Klun from university of Ljubljana, who was a candidate for the position of the Chair. She was successful in her candidacy. The new Board members are:
Gabriella Molinder, Sweden
Amit Gautam, India
Wilberforce Manirakiza, Uganda
Florent Bacchus, France
Giulia Buffi, Italy
Tim Ivanov, Russia
Mateja Klun, Slovenia
Term of office for each board members is 3 years. The candidacy can be submitted by young professionals (under 40 years of age) from ICOLD member countries, with the support of their national committees. The elections always take place during the YPF meeting at ICOLD annual conferences. The next election will be in Gothenburg (Sweden, June 2023), where 2 positions for the board members will be open.