Members of the UNESCO Chair actively participated at the UNDP workshops (BIH-RFQ-196/20 UNDP BIH) in Bosnia and Hercegovina by giving lectures:

MODULE 1 – Adaptation planning and policy: Assessment, prioritization and implementation of adaptation measures (01 – 02 April, 2021):
European Green Deal (Simon Rusjan)
Water management and water governance (Mitja Brilly)
Water management and Climate Change (Mitja Brilly)

MODULE 2 – Mechanisms for gathering and dissemination of climate change data (27 – 29 April, 2021):
Climate change data and development of knowledge (Mitja Brilly)
Climate change data sources and process of treatment (Andrej Vidmar)
Climate change hydrological modelling of Balkan rivers (Andrej Vidmar)

MODULE 3 – Climate Change Adaptation indicators, development and Implementation of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) framework (25 – 28 May, 2021):
EU climate action and the European Green Deal – implementation in Slovenia (Metka Gorišek)
Flood and Landslides under Climate Change at European Scale (Matjaž Mikoš)
Implementation of hydropower projects taking into account adaptations to climate change (Andrej Kryžanowski)
Agriculture, water and climate change in the EU (Mitja Brilly)

MODULE 4 – Share experiences that will help relevant sectors and levels of government to report on and utilize the information for decision making on adaptation interventions (24 – 25 June, 2021):
Environmental discharge (Andrej Vidmar)
Nature-Based Solutions for Flood Risk Management (Matjaž Mikoš)
Solutions for Climate Change adaptation (Mitja Brilly)
Examples of good practice for Climate Change adaptation (Mitja Brilly)