The 26th Session of the Intergovernmental Council of the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IGC IHP) took place from 5 to 7 June 2024. It was preceded by:

  • A Scientific Colloquium on 3 June – program – the tile of the Scientific colloquium was “50 years of Evolution of Science of Hydrology: From science to Application and Way Forward” – the colloquium was dedicted to the 50th anniversary of IHP and 60 years of the Water Programme at UNESCO since the International Hydrological decade (1965-1975) – the celebration will take place in 2025
  • A Water Family meeting on 4 June (morning) – agenda
  • A Structured Financing Dialogue on 4 June (afternoon) – agenda

The documents of the 26th Session on June 5-7, 2024, were updated regularly. A 3-day session was realised.

The UNESCO WRDRR Chairholder Professor Mikoš attended all events in the first week of June 2024.

350 years of Science of Hydrology: Pierre Perrault (1674) “De l’origine des fontaines“.

More on this history can be read in a historical note by Deming D. (2013) Pierre Perrault, the Hydrologic Cycle and the Scientific Revolution. Groundwater 51(1), 156-162 – – open access pdf.

Professor Mikoš, UNESCO Chair WRDRR at 26th Regular Session of the IGC IHP UNESCO, June 2024.

Professor Helmuth Habersack (right), IGC IHP Chairman, and Professor Mikoš (left), Chairman NC IHP Slovenia.